saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Monday, August 08, 2005

you know what, its so annoying okay..!
i was printing a picture of my apples in the lab in school, and cherie the photo tech said that they had a meeting the day before and they were picking pictures to be used for the schools promotional material..!!!!
and it was too bad they didnt have my pic of the apples cos she was sure it would have been chosen..!
im so annoyed i tell you..
there goes more publicity for my apples..!
sigh.. i have a good mind to go around posting them everywhere around school.. especially in the arts centre..!!
was thinking of going to see the director to ask if he was willing to reselect the pictures, but i think its too late now..
think cherie has already sent them to the printers..! ))):


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