saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Tuesday, August 09, 2005

liz i dreamt that you could not stop eating..!!!!!
we were ALL in church and for some reason, people were giving out little bundles of muchies and sweets and chocs and stuff..
kinda like the kind kids give out in primary school for their birthdays..?
and liz you just opened it straight away and started eating..!
it was some crunchie thing and you were munching away like mad and in church too..!!!

and you were still eating like crazy when we went to jon's house after..
his house is really cool..!
like a totally wooden kelong and minimal primitive shit and a wodden ladder to enter the house, but you have to semi climb this weird tree first..!
and its a kelong on the beach..!!!

we were eating tons as usual, liz was stuffing herself, and there was this group of touristy people taking photos of us through this viewing deck thing next to the window! like we're some tourist attraction specimen thing!

anyway liz you insisted on running down to the beach after that and you were already in your bikini! and for some reason you insisted on wearing a swimsuit ON TOP of that..?
the best part is you half put it on while you were running on the sand and half put it on when you were in the water..!!
you were so weird i tell you
i was running after you yelling at you not to be so crazy, and the others were looking out the kelong window and laughing at us.



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