saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, August 10, 2005

"Take a deep
breath and

so my national day was spent racking my brains, and brainstorming like crazy, half arguing with myself, doing a ton of readings, and finally trying to come to terms with my idea enough to write a proper proposal.
and re-reading that sms from my friend to keep me in check.

decided to check out my upcoming deadlines, and eesh! lo and behold i have something like SIX deadlines between today and the next 3 weeks.!! woohoo!!
not to mention parthenope (this play that im helping out in) is happening in the middle of those 3 weeks!!
isnt that exciting?

and after that i could not get to sleep.

which led to this morning's madness.

one, i woke up at 9.05 for a 9am lecture.
and i was like, screw it, i'll just go for the 10am lecture.
after which i woke up at 10.30..!
yes, for the 10am lecture.
and for goodness sake the 10am lecture is the most important lecture of the week..!
i am at a complete loss i tell you.
not to mention that today's 10am lecture is part ONE of TWO, which will be at 10am TOMORROW.
so not only have i missed part one, i am also going to be lost at part TWO!
i want to kill myself.

anyway, i wanted to screw the whole day, and just go back to sleep cos i knew workshop was just going to discuss the committee,
then i realised, no, i cant do that, i have a proposal to hand in!
and then i go to school, and i find that the lecturer is doing consultations, not the committee, and im like i didnt bring anything to show her!
PLUS, i find out that i have to hand in a hard copy of my proposal, plus one copy on a CD, AND upload it on the web.

oh good god.

so i went home lah.

by the time i got back to school, i had wasted two hours going to school and coming home and doing stuff and going to school again.. so annoyed..
okay not annoyed. more tired. and resigned to my crazy meaningless life.


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