saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Friday, August 19, 2005

yesterday was crazy.

i was crazy running across the third floor multiple times from the dark room to the digital room.
yes, trying to do both at once cos there was simply no time to do one at a time!
how mad is that!
ended up with crazy developing times in the dark room, where im too impatient to stand around and wait!
rushing around madly from 12 in the afternoon, all the way till 4.20!!
worse, i was supposed to meet my lecturer in the studios at 4pm, but i was still in the darkroom trying to finish up my stuff..!
and i tell you, this crazy rush was made so much worse cos i kept printing on the wrong side of the paper!
cos the paper is matt right, both sides feel the same! and i cant tell the difference!!
and i just thought if i put the paper in the wrong way, it just wont print! so when they showed up i thought i was alright!

but the timing was waaayy longer than usual, and it kept coming out blurry..!
and i was puzzled for the longest time lah, i thought of so many logical explanations, like i fogged the film, or i didnt fix it for long enough, or i fogged the paper! or worse, i didnt focus properly when i was taking the shots!
there were so many things i thought could have gone wrong, and i was more upset cos i wouldnt be able to use any of the pictures and there goes the most expensive roll of film i ever bought..! sheesh!

and when it was almost 4, i just gave up and resigned to all my fate and started putting my film back in the plastic holders at the light box right, and i was looking at them in despair when i noticed that they were so not blurry!!!!!
like i could actually see the words on the signs very clearly!! and i just stood there for the longest time wondering what the hell i did wrong, when i realise that my prints are reversed!
and still i was thinking i put my film in the wrong way.. but it wasnt!!

and then came the epiphany.
i printed with the emulsion side down. meaning i printed on the wrong side of the paper lah!!!!!
baaskkettt... i wanted to die can.. i wanted to burst into laughter and tell cherie what happened, but she was doing a demo to the year ones, and so i couldnt even laugh!!!
so i ran back into the dark room and continued my frantic printing lah..!!
and it still kept happening..! its so spastic okay..!
like i would put my paper in the right way, and some film would become dislodged, so i would take the paper away to fix it, and when i took it back up again, i had no idea which was the right side!!!! ARGH!!
so it still kept happening lah man..!
wasted so much paper i tell you..!

even though i pack up with lightning speed, rushing around everywhere and almost banging straight into this guy as i round the corner, im still late for my meeting..!
and i run down the stairs like mad still holding my wet prints!
when i reach the studios theres a class on and everyone's just quietly drawing and stuff
and im just walking around not knowing what im doing or what to do, cos im still in high speed mode and cant slow down!

but not to worry, cos theres also plenty to do in the studios and i end up rushing around again, and then rushing up to the 3rd floor with steve to install the apples for the open day exhibition on sunday, and then back down again to talk to my lecturer!

and when i open my bag and dig among my many bag items (i dont know why i always end up with so much stuff when i leave home with relatively little stuff!!) guess what i find..
my sandwich! i hadnt had lunch and i didnt know it!!!

well well, thats my exciting day for you..!
i realise there might be quite a bit of photography jargon in there..?

you know, i printed namecards with the apple pictures on one side, and when i went to cut them up, the guillotine totally destroyed them!
im so annoyed man..!
okay lah not annoyed, i realise i dont really get annoyed.
think the proper word is upset.
oh well.

and i absolutely did no work last night, cos i was so bloody tired man, body totally spent..
the end.


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