saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, September 07, 2005

My teacher thinks I've been avoiding her.
well i dont blame her for thinking that, cos I really havent been to class and all that..
but its not like im conciously avoiding her or anything..!

just that i dont really have anything to do in class since my project is going nowhere, and i have absolutely no idea what to do about it..
not to mention that this is happening to yet ANOTHER class too..!
therefore i keep shifting my project idea between one class and another, and have no idea what to do about both of them!


on another note, just spent some nice talking time with andrew, this really cool guy in my class.. he works with all the cool materials and tools, and his ideas are so original and unusual man..!

and he was telling me about his "bender".. which is when you go out and party everyday nonstop for days on end..
and he just had a ten-day bender..
and i was like you what?!! ten days?!! you crazy man! (to which he told me about his friend's 28-day bender!)
yeah basically i was saying its crazy to party nonstop for 10 days and all you aussies are crazy!!!!!!

at this point im coming round to sit on the table next to him and he suddenly goes "me and [my gf] broke up about three weeks ago"
and its so sudden that im just in shock and have absolutely no idea what to say..
especially since a while before that we were dissing each other about being full of shit and i jokingly said that i dont know how his gf can stand him..!
and he simply said "she can't."


what have i done..?!!!!!

my god i feel so crazy terrible i tell you..
plus i know they've been going out together for a really really long time.. for like forever kind!
and they're so cute together, and she's really really cool too..!
and so pretty! she's so funky and such a nice person really..
and i really should stop here!!

i feel so sad for them lah..!
i have all these questions that i wanna ask.. like typical kaypoh queen or something i just wanna know everything..!
but im not really close to him and i dont wanna torture him anymore than he already feels!

i dont even know the point of this post, but i just feel really bad and i wanna let him know that if he wants to talk or anything i'll be there for him..
which probably wont happen cos i hardly see him and we're not all that close, and im sure he has close friends whom he feels more comfortable with right..?

oh well this is going nowhere..
just like my projects (damnit)
so im gonna head off home and try to do some work where it needs to be done.!


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