saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Monday, September 05, 2005

a post, so early in the morning..!

actually made it to class this dreary monday morning
simply cos its sensitometry lighting for photography and its important like hell..
yucks, so difficult i hate it
i definitely cannot become a photographer man..
too lazy for nuts, shit.

helped out uma in the open stage yesterday cos she was supposed to put up lights for this production, and there was no one to help her..!
as usual lah, these production people with bad planning hoping things will get done by magic..

sick sick sick and bad voice to the max man..
coughing my lungs out in the toilet this morning, sheesh..

oh steph, uma said maybe you've been watching the US version of queer as folk..?
cos apparently ts not as explicit as the british version..??
which is what ive been watching..?
heh but now i feel addicited..! i want to watch the rest of the series..!!
i want to watch them all..!!!!!

okay gotta go.
bye my lovelies!


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