saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, September 08, 2005

i wanted to comment on your gymmmmm post.. the one about you arr-ing and hoi-ing during body combat.. but for some reason i couldnt find the post on your multiply!! like the latest one they showed was the tennis outfit one..! madness..

anyway, i absolutely wanted to laugh lah..! about you having a sore throat after class.. how ridiculous is that..!!
haha okay thats all i wanted to say lah..
haha seems so silly blogging on here just to say those few nonsense words.. (and to laugh at you of course haha)


oh you know, im blogging so early (again) cos my lecture finished like 25 minutes early!!!
sheesh man.. the lecturer decided to let one of the tutors take the lecture this morning and i swear she was shit as hell man..!
what a waste of time! i cant believe i actually managed to come to class on time for this! she just read from this script of hers and totally skipped the powerpoint slides she was supposed to show! and she kept doing it over and over again!!! i took like half a page of nonsense notes and that was it! and this is the class that i usually take 6 pages of notes okay..!!!
how disgustingly annoying!!!!! like seriously what a waste of time..
this may be just a lecture to her, but to us it makes a lot of difference okay.!
and it was an important topic somemore!
bloody hell..!

anyway, very angry, but liz's funny post has made it better, and now i should go or i will be late for tutorial!

oh belle.! i was to stunned to make anymore wisecrack jokes after that!!! absolutely had no idea what to say lah man.. i mean, what DO you say..? it'll be okay? don't worry you'll get over it..? how lame!! ergh!!! angry with myself now too!!


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