saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, September 08, 2005


oh my god i cant believe this.. its so funny im still laughing..

i was walking to the library right, and this guy comes from behind me and walks past me..
and the enormously funny thing about this is his hair!!!
it was all long (and i mean LOOOONNNGGG) and flowy and rebonded all..!!
totally reminded me of that F4 guy whats his name? vaness wu or something like that?!!!
hahahahaha and it was windy right, so it loonng feminine hair was gently blowing in the wind, all smooth and flowy and even other girls' hair not so nice lah wah lau!!!
oh yes, not to mention that he's asian as well, and dressed like an 80s rock star wannabe..!

i was walking behind him all the way and it was all i could do to stop myself from bursting with laughter!!!!!
haha, really man!!!


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