saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Monday, October 03, 2005

okay i know, ive gone missing for a while..
but its been busy lah!

just started school again today after a two week break, but almost everyone of those days had me in school!!
in the first week it was photography, and the second week it was the sewing room..
(i'm making a monster beanbag for my project!) anyway, think im pretty handy with the sewing machine now man..!
but i think that wont be the end of my project, have a feeling my teachers gonna be wanting more out of me.. so here goes again!

trying to get a booth sorted out for another project, and everything is just getting haywire..

oh shit man, just looked at the website for my class, and i am soooo screwed man..! you know i got an email from my teacher asking if everything was okay cos i havent been to class and she doesnt see any progress in my work etc etc.. i was so bloody freaked okay, and now i find out that ive missed so much scary shit in class and a lot of things i have to do and i really have no idea how im gonna do all this crap man.. ohcrap

anyway, think i havent really been a very nice person lately.. feel myself getting easily irritated and short with some people.. well basically everyone i guess, since i talk to the same people all the time here.. and i dont know, just dont really feel like talking to anyone or interacting with anyone or whatever lahh.. as much as i wanna think i can handle everything (and i know i will pull through in the end), its just really scary especially since i have about a month left, and so many things to get through, its just impossible to squeeze everything all at once!
i mean, photography for one is just taking all my time, and i sometimes wonder if thats why ive been so slack in my other subjects.. and i know its just excuses for my bad time management, but i feel like im going crazy!!
deadlines are all so close together its madness!!!

shit lah, anyway i guess i better buck up man, cos i dont have much time left..
somemore going to help out in another play.. insane dismayne

okay, more running around to do before im allowed to go home today..!


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