saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, September 14, 2005

oh goodness, i cant believe i totally forgot to blog about this yesterday man..!
i was on my way to the union house in school right, and there was this bunch of angmoh kids sitting on the grass having their lunch..!
and i noticed this guy throw food at the birds and in typical seagull fashion, they all came swooping down in a great heap to eat the food!!
and you know i am quite scared of birds man! like especially these seagull things! i totally hate them and they stare at you and are totally not scared of you or anything man..!

so i slowed down my pace considerably right, and the best part of this whole bird thing was.. the one SELFISH SEAGULL who had gottten the BIG CHUNK of food tried to escape the other birds by RUNNING TOWARDS ME!!!!!!!!!!
shit man.. i mean really!!! RUNNING TOWARDS ME!!
like running-hopping-not-even-half-flying man..!!! and i was so shit scared i just stopped right in my tracks and just shut my eyes wishing that he would go away!!!
but i didnt shut my eyes cos i was so scared right, and i wanted to know where he was so i could run away!!
cos you know how it is lah right!! ALL THE BLOODY BIRDS WERE FOLLOWING HIM!!!! and some of them were flying!!
swooping towards me all!!!
i so wanted to freak and die i tell youuuuu!!!!!
and faintly in the background i could hear the angmohs talking right and i could hear this girl saying oh no no no dont stop walking! just find the courage and walk straight on!
JUST when i was trying my very best to ignore the bloody selfish birds and walk right past them!! and I MADE IT!!..
well actually only because the bird turned and went the other way.. just far enough to give me space to walk by without feeling accosted by the whole mob..!

haha but you know it was really amusing how this girl was like encouraging me all.!
and i actually turned around and kinda grinned at her and she gave me this hand sign you know the one with the third and fourth fingers down? (what the hell is that? i used to think it meant 'hang loose' but now im not so sure)
and she was yelling "rock on, sista!!" at me! and i was feeling damn amused i kept grinning to myself after that lah..!!!!!

hahaha i cant believe i totally forgot to tell this to anybody man..!! highlight of my day yesterday lah..! hahaha


had a total panic attack just now when after printing my contact sheets, i decided to head upstairs to the studios to see if my proposal had been returned and left there.. (i havent been to class lah)
i didnt find it, but i decided to take a look at other people's work and see what they were doing and boy, was i in for a shock..
all their preliminary work and research looked so amazing i was so totally stunned.. and i saw this girl who told me that a couple of them were totally grilled to toast this morning and then i realised that the work-in-progress presentations had started!!!
and i was like oh so bloody shit scared man..!
there was this list near the door where everyone had signed up for work-in-progress and contextual statement presentations, and they started this week!!
and i dont even know shit about the contextual statement thing!!!
everyone had done like multiple multiple paintings and drawings and experiments and research and all i have are a much of clay monsters which i dont even want to do anymore cos its just annoying me to shits and i feel like i wants to start afresh!!!!!

went out in such a daze i spent an hour just staring at things and going up and down to the different studios and computer labs and display boards and workshops and what not looking at only god knows what!!!!

and here i have been slacking away reading novels and watching dvds and sleeping and watching tv and slacking like shit especially the last 2 weeks!!
and thinking i can go mount buller (skiing) and grampians (hiking) and puggs (pub) and have a movie marathon and what not next week when the break starts!!!
NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! CANNOTTT!!!!!!!!!
i have to spend everyday i can and every hour i can bear to catching up on 2 months worth of slacking and disillusionment!!!!

shocked, and absolutely horrified.

hungry now. very hungry. will go home for some.


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