saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, October 09, 2005

my goodnesssss.. you know i just spent goodness knows how long trying to clear my mailbox of multiply entries since like erm... september 24..?!?! geezz..!!
thats how busy ive been..!

anyway, crazy couple of weeks coming up ahead..
photography research project due tomorrow, plus port folio presentation and evaluation,
ancient rome essay due friday, which means a ton of research waiting for me to get through,
plus the giant amount of reading for this week's class..
and going through the audio lecture from last week since i came late and had no idea what she was talking about, so i kinda fell asleep..!! eesh
euripedes play rehearsals,
setting up my "booth" for my artwork, so lots of preparation and materials to get ready by erm tuesday?!! (shit so fast)
and lots of film to develop tomorrow too! argh
and several appointments with various lecturers???
ugh.. and this is just monday to friday?!
thats disgusting!!!

bumping in on sunday for the euripedes plays,
then i'm practically living in school till 11.30pm everyday for a whole week.. hmmm.. interesting eh..?


today was a pretty productive day i guess..
met up with uma for lunch at the red cafe on rathdowne and had a giant breakfast each..! i dont think ive ever had so much to eat so early in the day.. !!
went off to victoria market to do take some photos for my port folio.. its my third roll, but i havent seen any of my pics yet so i hope i havent screwed up on the lighting and stuff cos ive been shooting without a meter..!
oh well.. anyway i have no more film.. hmm...
managed to do some grocery shopping and got quite a lot of stuff..!
well except mangoes!!! arghhhh... ive been waiting for them for like forever i tell youuuu..!!!! i am so gonna get some soon man..!! cannot wait any longer..!!!

went back to school to do some research, except i forgot to bring my wallet so i couldnt so anything without all my cards.. so i had to go home again!!
well anyway.. i think i better get outta here soon, cos i have an even bigger pile of work waiting for me at home..!! eesh!!


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