saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Friday, November 11, 2005

i think fiona has the easiest to read multiply blog around..
my favourite line was "it is raining like a pissing cow"
hahaha like how funnny is that?! and i was so surprised that no one commented on that..!
heh ive just read all her entries from like erm.. 20 oct..??
hahaha.. yes, thats how long i havent been reading blogs..
liz has the longest entries lah i tell you....
but i will get to reading them okay..!
maybe after my exam next week..!


lots of people to wish happy birthday to..
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to stephen, fiona, ploy, goodwin, rag, edeline, and grandpa..!
although i did wish some of you already..
was so grounding to hear the girls at fiona's place last night being as loud and noisy as ever..! so nice to know simple things like these just never change..
and as usual, ever the cook.. fiona had good food at her house..
home made ice cream all..

no more assignments and scary things going on, so i feel slightly more relaxed.. and felt so free for like one day.. and now i have to get on with my studying for my exam on tuesday.. which i didnt get started on cos of all those crazy assignments and exhibitions and running around the school going on..

i even have to write a report for one of the exhibitions, cos i was organising it..
which by the way, has left me with a ton of drinks that i have no idea what to do with.. i dont even drink half of them.. sheesh!

watched the entire first season of frasier and boy was it funny..!! uma i so understand this laughing by yourself in the room thing until your housemate has to SHHHH at you from outside..!!! hahaha at times i was worried that someone in my house would SHHH at me tooo..!!!

also been watching this anime called fruits basket and i tell you.. the characters are so good looking i cannot stand it.. i want to go out with an anime character too..!!! they are so cute lah..!

oh, was going home on the tram yesterday, and i swear this guy was smelling me..!!!!! it was kinda peak hour lah, so it was pretty crowded.. but not until everyone's squashed against each other lah..
was standing next to this guy right, and i remember thinking he was looking at me funny.. and when it was my stop, i had to move past him to get to the door, and i swear his head came closer and.. and.. sniffed..!!!!! okay maybe i was imagining things, but was kinda freaky okay..!


had a wonderful eventful time with my sister when she came down on monday..
(she went to athens recently and went to the parthenon..!!! i want i want..!!!!)

after a late lunch, she came to the uni gallery to have a look at the exhibition.. the one with the beanbag monsters that i sewed.. then when we came out it was raining like mad..! or in fiona's words, it was raining like a pissing cow.. although im not so sure how much a cow pisses at a time so....

luckily, we had borrowed an umbrella from the hotel.. so we ventured out and decided to head for lygon street..
we had just got out of school and were heading to the traffic light, when this bloody shit stupid of a car drove so close to the pavement, and this WALL OF WATER CAME TOWARDS US!! like a tsunami i tell you..!
and it was impossible to escape..!
there was no where we could run cos we were already against the wall..!!!!
yes so of course, we were crazy splashed..! and i mean crazy as in BOTH our entire left sides were wet..!
for some reason, even though i was standing on the inside, i was just as wet as my sis..! so annoying..!
that stupid guy was either blind or he did it on purpose..!! i mean, there was so much space on the road, but no.. he drove SOOOO close..!!
anyway both of us screamed.. and i think there were a few very amused passersby..

went to this chocolate cafe called koko black, and were cheated by this thing on the menu called a belgian spoil.. that sounded BIG, but was actually a SMALL cake (which looked like a miniature muffin, and failed terribly), SMALL lump of mousse (which was the best thing on the set, rich and chocolatey), SMALL scoop of ice cream (which kinda failed too), a SMALL piece of shortbread (which was not too bad, pretty good) and 2 pieces of chocolate.. hmm.....

went back to have a look at my place.. which was unscheduled and unexpected, so i didnt have time to clean up.. okay not clean up even.. at least CLEAR up..! was so busy with assignments and had just handed in a couple of things that morning so place was a MESS.. papers EVERYWHERE!!! cant see the floor kind.. hmmmmmm...

still kinda full and it was already something like 8pm and everything was closed, so we went to crown.. this entertainment centre thing which houses the casino, so it closes late.. didnt really kind anything to see.. cos nothing to shop for.. but we discovered the arcade..!!!!! haha
played this weird gun game that we didnt know what was going on so it cheated our money, and then a driving game and air hockey..! which gave us aching backs and during which my sister got so excited she caused the puck and the uh, thing you have to hold to FLY past me..! hmmmm...

had a nice surprise at dinner cos we settled on having pizza, and discovered that it was half price on mondays..!! dont you love these kinda surprises..!

hmmmm... ((: HAPPY!!


okay, going home to study now..! bahhhhh...


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