saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, October 13, 2005

oh man i am so tired i cant do anything..
i decided yesterday that i was trying to do too many things at once..
cramming things to do in a while day for an entire week just doesnt cut it..
especially since it results in little or no sleep since sunday..

managed to get about half the number of paper strips filled up at my booth on tuesday after about 3 hours of work..
decided to just limit myself to making a hundred paper flowers, as opposed to much much more like i wanted..
especially since there is so much work to be done with everything even BEFORE i can make them into the flowers..
transcribing and all the paper work, and figuring out how to compile all the content into a book..
oh goddddd.... i die just thinking about it..

andrew (the guy whom i had the awkward situation with about his breakup) lent me his typewriter yesterday, so i had quite a fun time testing it out at home..
i think i will not find it fun when im actually using it to compile stuff for my book.. ugh..
so nice this guy, he knew i was looking for a typewriter, so when he bought one on the weekend, he called me to say i could use it..!! woohoooo..!!
and he was having a really shitty week when i asked him for help last week, but he still helped me! hee heeee
anyway he left his phone in the computer labs yesterday and i found it!
couldnt find him for a while so i spent an hour or so answering his phone calls and taking messages.. haha!
but its back with him now so thats good yea?

organising the end of semester exhibition is such a pain..
especially when you have lecturers like mr ill who really dont know anything and push you around in circles!
not to mention talking nonsense and making you confused!
chasing people all around the block just trying to set a date for it.. my goodnessss..
this is the result of being exactly one half of the entire organising committee..
yes, there are only 2 people doing this..
i suppose im just glad its cake who's the other half, cos at least we communicate well enough and i dont feel like im left hanging in the air all by myself..
otherwise i wouldnt be doing this at all man.. no way..!

uma's applied to do her honours, and jessica's definitely decided on that too..
makes me wonder if i should be doing it as well..
thing is, i have absolutely no idea what i would be doing for a research topic, and have somewhat not much interest in thinking about it..
the thought of researching something for an entire year scares and bores the shit outta me..
but then again the thought of looking aimlessly for a job that i have no clue about fills me with dread too..
kinda like im doing something i dont really have much interest in to put off doing something else that i have no inkling of which i suppose i have to do someday anyway..
(okay that was a long and rather confusing sentence)
not to mention this putting off business is going to be one expensive hole in the pocket..
and i have to decide soon.. cos applications close soon..!
so annoying.. and i dont even know how to bring this up to my dad.. oh godddd.....

sheesh i realise im typing this like some boring old git with terrible story telling skills..
but i guess thats just how its running through in my head..
like if i were to talk to someone right now, this is how i would sound like..
boringly monotonous and completely lifeless..
uma should know.. we both agreed we both sounded like shit..

okay well.. there goes my attempt at making an update of my life in my blog..
essay due tomorrow so going home now to get it going.. pretty sure i'll get it done on time..
just hope i get it done without much pain and agony..
less conflict of ideas in my brain would be good..
at least ive finished reading most of my research.. just praying i wont discover i need more in the middle of writing it..!

hope i can churn at least something out in the next 4 hours or so before i pop back to school again to attend rehearsals!


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