saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Saturday, December 31, 2005

so my last night in Queensland was spent all alone at Ben's place in West End..
which wasnt really too bad actually..
it was a nice quiet round down to things..

met David and his girlfriend Steph for lunch at the uni..
they wanted to take me to this place that served the best pizza around..
but when we got there.. guess what?
they werent serving pizza!!!
so silly lah right.!
so we had lasagne instead..

and then we took a ferry back down to the Art Gallery at Southbank..
cos when i went there with Ben on tuesday, it was so much fun..!
there was this one called the Obliteration Room, which was this mini room with like kids sized tables, and chairs, microwave, fan, vacuum, tv, telephone, teapot, picture frames, radio, cabinets and stuff..
and all these things are painted in white..
so when you enter this room, youre given a sheet of polka dot stickers and what youre supposed to do is stick them everywhere and cover all the white spaces!!!!
its so cute i tell you..!
and so so so much crazy fun..!!

plus, there was this other exhibit where you use lego pieces to build a building, and you can add it to the collection, so it ends up being like an entire lego city..!
and some of them look really really goood!!
i really liked this fat bird that i saw on tuesday, but it wasnt there anymore today!
oh well.. i guess its all part of the exhibit..
things get torn down, and demolished, to make way for new buildings..
anyway, i didnt get to do this one the last time i went with Ben cos he didnt allow me to..!
so i did one today..!
it ended up looking like a grave cos i tried to do like a different kind of bird, but it ended up looking like an angel.. and then when i made the base, i got tired of it so it became just a short block like base..
and so it sorta looked like a grave thing..
which is kinda weird huh..
oh well..

so anyway that was that.. and we just walked around Southbank, got some ice cream..
and then David and Steph left, and i headed into the city to meet Mildred!!!!
hahahaha!! actually we just wanted to get some munchies cos it was still pretty early, but we ended up just getting a jap dinner anyway..!!
which was really good, and really filling..!
and we just caught up..! really good conversation, food and company, all at the same time!! something thats been partially missing on this holiday of mine..!
but at least ive managed to meet up with her, just the night before i leave for melbourne!

and the biggest accomplishment of the day..??
i didnt step into a car at all..!
its been long car rides all over the world everyday since ive stepped into Brissy..
and today is the first car free day of all..!
i took the ferry absolutely EVERYWHERE!!!
and i even walked to the ferry terminal by myself from Ben's place!
he was like, i'll drive you to the terminal something something something
but i couldnt really hear what he said, so i was like uh nevermind i'll just walk
and then when i reached the terminal i realised he might have said something like, we can leave later, or, lemme just finish my food first, or something like that..
so now maybe he thinks im too impatient or something..! ahh! hahahahaha
but oh well..

yeah so anyway, it felt really good to have a car free day..
even though im really grateful for all the driving me around that everyone, esp Ben, did within the past more than one week.. and not forgetting tomorrow too!

and thanks to David for driving us around as well, and also for spending time with me this afternoon, and more importantly for being so completely entertaining with all his rubbish talk, actions and antics.. hahaha

thanks again to Ben for letting me crash at his place (and his girlfriend Megan as well) and for keeping me company, and bringing out and around and showing me interesting stuff like massive pink yuppie housing developments with dolphins..
oh, and also for going on the reverse bungee with me..! hahaha if youre reading this, i have decided that i would describe it as bouncing on air.. (:

of course, thanks too to their parents, Uncle Robert and Auntie Anne, for being so absolutely hospitable and letting me stay at their house in the country, and doing all our laundry everyday, and making sure we were all very well fed and entertained..

its been a really really weird and unusual trip, but i guess its one that i will never experience again in my entire life..!
so long, Queensland..!!!!!


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