saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, December 25, 2005

and dad is going back to singapore tomorrow morning..
leaving me here with uncle roy's family.. hmmm...
except that im not going to be with them tmr..!
cos ben is taking me out to god knows where..?!
the beach (again!!) i think and then dinner..?
he actually asked if i have clothes to wear for dinner..!!!!!
*heart attack*
for goodness sakes, i hope its not some fancy schmancy place..
cos for one, i have no money..
and i cannot stand this kinda high class thing man..
its so not me!! im a poor girl who enjoys the good ol cheapo things..!
but from what ive heard, ben is an arty farty who likes fancy stuff..
i hope he know's im poor..

okay, guess i shouldnt paint him in such a "negative" light, cos he's really quite a nice guy..
he invited me to go fishing on a boat with his friend tmr, but it was cancelled cos they could only charter the boat for next week.. and im not sure if im going to be around for that.. but it was still nice of him to ask anyway..
and cos that fell through, he arranged for me to stay at a friends place in brisbane so he could take me to the art galleries and museums on tuesday..!!
and that was only cos i mentioned that there was this exhibition that i wanted to go for..!

oh well should be alright i guess, but i hope it doesnt get too weird..
and i hope im not causing too much trouble man.. sheesh..!
oh and since im going to be in the city, i might just meet up with mildred for lunch the next couple of days..!


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