saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, December 14, 2005

wow damn tired.
hahaha partly cos my mom was so funny..
she was SOOO QC!!! she only wanted the BIGGEST, REDDEST, and SHAPELIEST!!!
when we had picked maybe about 6 or 7, she had picked ONE..!!! hahaha so funny!!!
and then my dad!!! after picking a few he started grumbling.
"arghh.. i cant believe im doing this..!!!"
and a few moments after that, he thrust his container at my sis.
"nah you pick lah i cant be bothered anymore.."
haahah how funny is that..!
and my mom covered the most ground in the fields! only the best!

other than that, we were at Artur's Seat, which is this chairlift thing
but we didnt go on that cos the entire chairlift ride takes about 45 mins and we didnt have time!
it looked fun lah, but also potentially boring after the first 30 seconds..! haha!

but we did drop by this Enchanted Maze Garden thing which was a bit expensive to go into, but my mom INSISTED on entering! hahaha
wasnt too bad, nice sculptures and foliage, and there was this maze which really was a little bit scary cos my sister was leading the way, and she went ahead and i lost her and i got worried that we took different turnings and i would be stuck in there with people trying to find me..!!!!! HORROR!
it was like HARRY POTTER!!!!!! scary!! and i didnt have a wand!! )):

oh but anyway the place also had like puzzle kind of mazes lah
and i solved one of them!
it was this maze where you are only allowed to make left turns.. haha!
and then there was this other one which none of us could solve! and even some other people playing it too..!
its like this arrangement of gigantic wheels, and theyre all connected to each other by planks (which you walk on) of different colours..
so basically you have to reach the centre wheel by following the order of colours: red-blue-green
and i tell youuuuu......
heh my mom apparently "won".. but we think she forgot, and missed one of the colours..

OH! and the drive back home was my first time driving my family!!! ahhh!!!
plus the fact that i havent driven at all in such a long time since getting my license! i am so out of practise! and i think i have absoltely forgotten how to parallel park! argghhhhhh
stressed even more!
but okay lah i guess it was uneventful so thats good..
just need to relearn how to park!
when my sis leaves, dont know how man..!

and oh yes shuping i got your sms! thankie!
i was out of credit lah, couldnt reply!!!!!
and i cant believe you have the SDU handbook!!!!!

okay so i need to go sleep now man.. achy achy and tired tired..
fell asleep right after dinner jst now..
free and easy tomorrow, cos its my GRADUATION at night!!
im excited, but im also tired thinking about it..!
hmm.. goodnight everybody!


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