saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Friday, December 09, 2005

well i think my sickness was just one complete day of total pain and agony..
cos i was all better the next day..!
managed to move without aching at all! cool huh..
but im not completely well cos i still have much phlegm in me and i think i will be coughing my lungs out every morning for a while..

in any case, preparations for the arrival of my sis and my parents have begun..!
going to the bank, making sure i have enough money.. and even trying to extend my credit card limit! hmmm.....
also have stopped buying groceries for a while and tried to actually use the stuff thats already in my house.. ie can foods and whatever not..
now i'll just have to sort through my stuff and throw out all the junk!
cos im not too sure there will be any space left in my room once they arrive!
im worried about where everyone is going to sleep..

my friend don told me something really funny yesterday, and its a quote from the SDU handbook! hahah

"Do not stop dating even when your dates do not go well. Sometimes you have to kiss the toads in order to find the prince."

AHAHAHHAA how funny is that?!!!! i absolutely burst out in laughter! alone in my room, no less! can you believe this is the advice youre supposed to listen to.!

oh and i went to get some internet for my room, now that its the hols.. and now im obssessed with it and im not reading my books anymore..! sheesh.. what a waste of time! i should be reading all those ben elton and terry pratchett books i borrowed, or practicing drawing manga..! heh its this recent thing ive tried to learn, cos borrowed this anime and i decided i quite liked it.. but im also learning that not all anime is nice and there are some mighty boring ones out there.. hmmm.....


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