saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006

went out the ENTIRE day on sunday with steph belle and jas..!
well it was the entire day with steph lah..
think it was the first time ive been out for such a long time ever since i came back..!
PLUS it was due to my retrenchment at the nail spa job which allowed me this outing..!

adam road hawker centre for lunch which was supposed to happen at 1..
but only happened at almost 2 because nobody was there..!!
lucky i had cosmo while i waited at the bus stop..
which reminds me liz, your cosmo is with jas now..!
and i totally couldnt finish my briyani..!!!

island creamery for ice cream (what else!) after..
banana and kahlua for me..!
so full i totally couldnt finish..! again..!!!
bumped into wesley and beefcake..!
guess what, wesley is getting married..!
chatting and yakking away and convincing belle to come to mass with us at st bernadettes..? haha
the poor girl was stressed.!
funny pictures we took on stephs cam with me waving at the back..!

mass at st bernadettes.. we saw stephs parents..!
and belle was racist against herself..!!!!
calling herself "it" and "the other"..!! hahaha
she ran off to hall to do her essay then!

jas shopping at zara we saw a pregnant indian man..!!!
he was 9 months pregnant with a girl..
(hey if the stomach is round is it a boy or a girl?)

we got free coffee outside wheelock place..
made jas want to shit after..? hahaha
and fiona calleedddd!!!! it was so funny lah..
she couldnt hear us cos all of us were talking at the same time lah..!

jas abandoned steph and i for her jeremy friends
so we went to the coffee shop at liang seah (i think)
and sat there talking about greek myths..!!
joined by andy who insisted on taking the mrt home, but didnt..!
steph cant ever date a person who lives near her.! haha!

longest day out..!
great fun..!
and most shitty dressed!


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