saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Friday, March 24, 2006

hahaha guess what.. ive got a job for this weekend..
and this weekend only lah..
at some nail spa in bras basah..
i kinda want to put the name of the place here, but im not sure its a good idea..
it was so funny i was so amused when i went in..!

its shitty pay, but i guess it beats having nothing at all..
anyway it was really funny cos this girl was trying to tell me that its prefered if i look "presentable".. and before i left she was like.. "uhh if you can, try and wear some lipstick or lip gloss.."
hahahhaa so funny.!! i went out of there laughing..!

so anyway, shuping.. i guess this means i cant meet you for dinner on saturday night..!
cos i finish at 9.30pm..! next week okay..?
and steph and liz and jasmine.. i cant meet for dinner on sunday night tooooo..!!
again, cos i finish at 9.30pm..
i can meet you guys later i guess, if youre around the area!!

hmm went back to borders in an attempt to get a job..
but theres been a shuffle so my manager is no longer in charge of hiring..
and the new lady was in a meeting for forever..!
so i have to go back again on tuesday..
i hope i get the job then, if not this wait will be for nothing..!

it was so weird man.. seeing all these same faces that i know..
now all in different posts..! of course promoted lah..
and they look so different.. all in their new roles..!
kinda strange feeling..

met syahzan for coffee at holland v starbucks (again)..
he's been feeling a bit funky lately huh..
anyway, bumped into joyce who was working there.. and guess what?!
we got a 20% discount!! yayyyy!!!!
PLUS.. we got like a MOUNTAIN of whipped cream..!
and i mean a mountain..!
by the time i carried it upstairs, it was almost going to topple over..!
syahzan took a pic.. if im not lazy ill upload it huh.. haha
after that it was dog walking with his really really GUAI dog called BUBBLES!!!!
and then he ran off to wala wala's (again)..

so kinda okay lah today.. even though i woke up a bit later than usual (thanks to some bad dream of me having a terrible time in the airport where so many things got screwed up ugh) i guess i went out and did something so i dont feel like i wasted all day doing nothing..? hahaha

PLUS.. i didnt spend the whole day eating..!!
i tell you.. im so not used to being in a house with SO MUCH FOOD..!!!
and the best part is, all the food IS MINE..!!!!
its just weird..!
i spend the whole day looking for food man..! i mean.. since theres nothing to do..
and its about the only thing that can supplement past times in the house..
like watching tv, using the computer, reading..
whatever it is, you can do it while youre eating..!
this is totally bad i tell you..
i have to get out more often..
oh but im sooo lazy..! shit lah..

speaking of baaaahhhhhhss... i got a giant sheep..!!!
courtesy of don marcus.. who in relation to a conversation we had before between a horse, a cow and a sheep, decided to give me a giant stuffed toy sheep..!!
he named it BUBBA.. and now i have no where to put it..
i mean.. i cant even sleep on my bed cos its full of things which i have no idea where to keep..!!


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