saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, November 15, 2006

LSoH and Menotti

triple dating for the Little Shop of Horrors with the Dim Sum Dollies was just the best thing ever..!!
too too funny..!
but poor poor mah qiu couldnt really understand the local jokes..?
belle sneaked coffee into the theatre!!
and liz thought the 2 people manning the evil orchid were sitting on top of each other?! HAHA

our party of 6 took a photo with the cast..!
(which i brightened up a bit cos it was too dark?)
minus Robin Goh, and Hossan Leong!!!!!
DET (Dave "Electrico" Tan) voice of Audrey 2 looks weird.. he's not smiley..
but otherwise a cool photo..!
check out the dim sum dollies and their orchid heads..! so nice right!
and that ang moh man next to ray who's now known as Gene Cleese cos he looks like Gene Hackman and John Cleese!!! hahaha
that's Denise Tan with her ginormous boobs spilling out of her..
and Yu Beng's fake hair is just the funniest!! very amused by it..!

it was off to Menotti after cos everywhere was closed..
this is liz and fiona with their orange sodas and me pretending to have an orange soda..
i would post a photo of mah qiu with his pollo sandwich, and my date and her olive oil ice cream, except that she refuses to send the photos to me..??? *evil glare*
well i will wait.. if she uploads them soon enough maybe i'll post them.. haha

in other news.. my watch died..
11 november, 11.30pm..
it is a sign i tell you.. a sign.!


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