saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, June 14, 2007

i am the new chauffeur.

chauffeuring takes you places.
like it has for the entire week when i spent all of it chauffeuring the parents all over the world!

it makes you forget
which day of the week it is
because everyday has been a driving day
and you dont remember doing anything else.
side effects: your days merge into one - the next thing you know, its thursday and you dont even know where all that time went.

it gives you patience
like when you have to drive from one end of the island to the other
during the peak evening period
which causes you to go at an average speed of 28km/hour
for at least 70% of your journey.
side effects: you ache all over - shoulders, neck, lower back, right ankle.
time loss - took almost 3 times longer to get to the airport!

it works you out
like when you are made to carry bags of groceries, shopping, and random things like a sewing machine
so much so that you find you dont have enough hands
and have to go back down for a second trip
because your mother wants to use the sewing machine
right now.
side effects: you sweat, ache, and bruise - its just not possible to carry such a strange shaped bulky item for a distance longer than 5 metres without bumping it against yourself awkwardly especially when you have to maneuver stairs.

for all that 'complaining' that i have just done,
i guess its not that bad a thing, chauffeuring.
at least it occupies my time, gives me something to do.
gives me something to say (other than 'nothing')
when im asked, "what did you do today?"
gives me a purpose of sorts.
otherwise i would have nothing to wake up for.

too bad im not being paid to do it.


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