saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, April 06, 2003

sheesh... had a swollen eye this morning when i got home from jessica's place.. also had a tummy upset.. after a one hour nap, my eyelids got so swollen that they became so heavy, and so hard to open.. mum rushed me to a doctor, and it turns out that IM ALLERGIC TO JESS('s mum's pancakes)!!!!!! hahaha after a while, i thougt that it was SOoooo damn farnee mannnn cant stand it.. so i just burst out laughing.. and of course, wesley wanted to take a picture of it to show sana.. haha wat idiots.. but well, generally didnt do much work lah.. except at jessicas house lah.. quite fun lah i guess.. tmr's the rehearsal at jessica's place again.. hope all goes well man...


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