saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, June 12, 2003

I WATCHED FINDING NEMO!!! I WATCHED FINDING NEMO!!! theyre all so cute i cant stand it!!!! (covers mouth and goes) *heehee* caught it with jess and noel.. i knowww... weird combi right.. haha..

so.. been at SPO for 2 days now.. its pretty hard to catch, and i keep forgetting everything.. so many procedures and jargon.. all so cheeeem one... but well, theres been quite a lot of work to do.. so i told juanna i'll stay the whole day tmr.. my 6 hours a day shift doesnt seem to be enough to fully complete a job or any sort.. so i really really dont know how i should plan my weekly schedule.. mannnn.. so troublesome..

oh ya.. another thing about spo.. i only told one person that i was transfering to spo.. and thats asra (stoopid eediot).. so i think they all got a shock to find that i was suddenly in spo.. even meishan ("naggy" mom of a manager who tries to act hip - oh puh-leasseeeee) asked me where my t-shirt (uniform) was.. i was so stunned i didnt know how to answer man.. juanna later told me that a lot of people were vying for my job.. at least 3 people.. sheesh.. so pressure mann... oh well..

just HAD to put this in.. *grinzzz*
"you were like Whoa.. then you were like WHOA!! then you were like whoaaa......"


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