saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, June 16, 2004

it's BLOODY HOTT!!!!!!

heeheeeeee... touched down last night.. but i hadnt slept in like a few days, so i was out cold.. haha so to all of you who smsed me, sorry i havent been replying..! heh

so many movies to watch on the plane i tell you! i only managed to watch 3 and a half..! haha.. caught 50 first dates (such a nice show!), starsky and hutch (i love owen wilson!), cody banks 2: destination london (the girl was SO CUTE!!), and half of along came poly.. heh but they were also showing minority report (cool show!), and LOTR 2 and 3.. and harry potter 2.. and so many moreeee...!!!! ahhhh!!!

you know what? its bright! its 6pm and theres sun! woohoooo..!!!!! haha heh it normally gets dark at like 5 plus in melbourne lah..

its so damn bloody hot lah i cannot stand it.. ahh! i just wake up, walk to the toilet, and i start perspiring!! i die just washing my bowl at the kitchen sink!! bahhh...!!


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