saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, May 14, 2006

jazziemeanie bruises like a donkey

that she does she does..!
provided a donkey bruises easily lah..

so i think we're kinda set for thailand and cambodia..
heh after some crazy searching and changing and replanning that is..
it was the most insane kind of planning ive ever been involved in..
finding out that roads are still being built, bridges arent open..
sitting on the roof of a boat, riding in the back of a pickup for hours..
plus all those crazy names that drove us insane..!!!
hahaha was totally funny lah..!

heh but we had some help at the end from steph's uncle wichai..
so now we're so much more relaxed, and we're not being such ulu cows..
it all looks like its gonna be such fun..!
my dad totally didnt know we were going for a whole month..
and he got such a shock when he found out..! hahaha
i guess i cant blame him..

this michael buble song playing now is totally appropriate..!
come fly with me.. lets fly lets fly awaaayyyyyyy...!!!


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