saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

it's not because i'm not a good enough reason.

but then again, doesnt it mean that it is?
that it is because im not a good enough reason.

whatever that means.
this thought has been plaguing me for the past.. i dont know how long.
not that long.
one and a half? two hours?

i dont really know how i'm supposed to feel.
maybe i should just take it as a wake up call.
things arent all as positive or possible as i assure myself to be.
preparing for the worst assures that i will never be disappointed.
but that also means that i cant truly be happy.
or sure of myself.
and what i am doing.

or can i?
maybe i should start living for the moment again.
as opposed to living for the future. which is what im doing now.
i dont even know when i started to leave one plan for the other.

yeah i guess i could try that.
i mean, it worked at the time.. and i was totally happy!
im not sure how i would make myself revert back to my original plan A, since i dont even know how i drifted so far away from it.
but yeah i guess theres no harm trying.
i'll just have to think of a way to go about it.

i dont know how i'm supposed to sleep tonight.

sorry about the monologue.
the post was meant to super short since i didnt think my brain was functioning coherently enough to spew out more than two short sentences.
but the entire thought process just spilled out in the end.

dont ask okay?


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