saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, September 10, 2006

this is a totally random and silly post

i am totally backlogged in reading everyone's blog!!!!!
there have been so many entries and happenings within the last 6 days that i took such a long time to read up on everything..!
plus, there were so many posts that everything spilled over into the next page..! how mad is that!

anyway, uhm here are some backlogged comments..
nice posters and photoshopping jasmine, though i was totally looking for 6 pairs of feet, and only found 3+1..!

okay you know what, this is totally silly cos i dont remember anything else that i wanted to say while reading all your things, plus i dont want to be silly and talk about things that happened so long ago!

anyway, happy birthday shuping.. love you lots, hugz!

oh yea, maybe i should tell you guys, i am going to vietnam!!
ho chi minh in 10 days time..!


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