saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, July 27, 2006


this thing.. it plagues us a lot in our lives i think.
its always about which path you want to take, where you want to end up.
which is all relatively okay if you actually have somewhere you want to end up.
but it becomes much much more than an evil nightmare when you dont.
( i say this only because i think its completely possible to have a nightmare even when you do have an end goal.)

why is direction such a big issue?

my sister very cleverly left her working handbag at darren's place, and only found out when she had to start preparing for work.
so guess who had to drive over there to pick it up?
your friendly neighbourhood ahmad of course!

i didnt remember how to get there, but since its just across the road from my auntie's house (also known as wanida's house), my mom said she would come along and direct me.
and of course, she has to be the worst direction giver ever!

either pointing with her finger (where i cant see??) "go that way" (which way?!) or telling me to turn and then saying "no no not this one ah, later" (make up your mind!)
i mean...... stop confusing me already!

all things aside, i managed to harrass darren's neighbour (twice), keep THREE dogs very quiet (until i left the house), look into every bedroom in the house (they redid the house alright, and i couldnt recognise anything!), steal a handbag, and run off home (but not before being made to look for SPRINGROLLS [mom, who else?], ending up at hillview [thanks to my wonderful navigator who then did not know the way anymore! lucky i did!] and stopping to pick up my sister's dose of an ice cream milkshake for the day).

can you imagine? even with a navigator (of sorts) you can still manage to take a wrong turn and end up somewhere completely off the mark?


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