saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Monday, July 10, 2006


this post is so overdue i have lost all ability to decide what i should actually post about..!

i think some congratulations are in order..
firstly to my dear friend wesley who got married on saturday..
all the best.. it was so exciting seeing you again, all grown up this time..
im so happy for you..!
AND your sister is hot man..!!!!! wow!
i know we're not that close so thanks so much for inviting me to share this day with you..!
everything was awesome, plus the food was good (especially the chicken!), your speech was so funny and just so you, and i realised that i really missed having you around a lot.!

and then to shuping who's just graduated..!
i totally didnt know lah, why didnt you tell me..!
and also to liz and belle who are both graduating tomorrow..!!!
im so proud of all of you lah..!

hmmm... okay so i was totally gonna blog more, but i think i have to go out now, so uhhh... i will continue this another time..??
heh when i dont know lah.. ((:


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