saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, July 20, 2006

catching up

jessica is going back to melbourne on friday morning.
and today was but the 3rd time that ive seen her since she came back for the hols.
the first was when we went to meet uma before she left for heathrow.
the second was at wesley's wedding.
i am such a lousy friend. i am i am!
bah.. )):

we did it just like we would in melbourne. well, almost..
we went for ice cream near my place (read: daily scoop) and talked until the place closed.
then i walked her home and ended up following her into the house where we proceeded to eat pasta and watch tv (i love CSI it is good stuff i swear!).
until something like 3am..!
well in between i found this trivia book of hers and we did something like almost 500 questions..!!!!! good fun good fun!
i wanted to borrow the book but i forgot to take it when i left. hmm..

i dont know how i managed to not meet up with her especially when we had planned to do so many things together..
but even though i havent seen her much this break its just so easy for us to pick up where we left off and get back into our routine things again.
i will miss her..! **hugz**

speaking of catching up, i finally managed to talk to uma on msn last night!
and again, it was the easiest thing to just pick up where we left off.
i mean, considering ive seen her a grand total of TWO times since i came back from melbourne with her..
the first was at molly malones the very next night after our plane landed, and i didnt even get to talk to her much cos she was working.
the second was the day before she left for heathrow.
hmm.. now i am thinking i am really the shittiest friend ever!
look at this horrible pattern of meeting friends that i have! argh!
anyway, i digress.

we had quite a short conversation, but i managed to update her and unload some things.
and you know what, she just made me feel the best about everything.
i didnt feel stupid or ridiculous or crazy.
instead i felt that she really understands my point of view..
the way i do things, the way i see things, the way i think..
its like she really knows me. inside out.
and i just felt so much better after that.
hmm.. i miss seeing her around all the time. i do i do! **muackz**


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