saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006

oh, happy day!

okay so it seems that some lovely friends of mine think im in a mess and are getting concerned.
so today is a post about happy things!

first of all, i didnt have to work today..

plus, i woke up this morning next to someone who makes me super happy..

just spoke to uma on msn, which always makes me happy..

and steph surprise called me yesterday afternoon!
even though i didnt get to meet her, it was nice to hear from her..!
not only that, she sent me an email! hahaha..

and shuping surprise smsed me the night before that!
thanks babe, for being so concerned..!

dad's belated birthday dinner tonight wasnt too bad too..
went to this jap restaurant at goldhill plaza, which was so-so only..
had the a-la-carte buffet dinner and my sister and i ate a helluva lot..!
the mom and dad wanted to die.. hahaha.. quite funny..
but we all agreed dad was quite well behaved today, and we're quite proud of him..
so dinner went well today despite the okay-only food i would say..

and since my blog is seriously lacking in visuals, here's the most boring, but pretty rare one-and-only family photo that we took today..


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