saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, September 21, 2006


oh god im totally disgusting..!!
totally meant to post a proper entry with many happy things that happened in the past few days, but as usual, i totally didnt make it..!!
and now its almost 5am and i have to sleep cos i have to go to the airport early in the morning which means i have to wake up soon..!!!!!
argh.. so pissed with myself..

in any case, i am fine now okay guys, do not worry!
jas and belle im so glad you two feel as suaku as me.. but i think im still the winner lah huh.. foodrepublic! haha..
liz! does this mean you see ray everyday..?????
shuping hope i can see you soon (FINALLY) after i come back okay okay.. youre like the hardest person to meet up with.. hmmm.. i think i might come in a close second.. hehe
uma i miss traveling with you!! lucky lucky you.. enjoy all your many many fruit and vegetable picking and tractor driving and organic eating i'll have you know i am totally totally jealous!!!

if any of you guys want anything just sms me okay.. although i dont know what there is to get there lah hmmmmm..
oh well just lemme know lah..!
oh i am back on tuesday afternoon btw..
love love hugs hugs see you all soon..!


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