saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, December 10, 2006


picture timeee..!!!!!

been meaning to post up pictures of my sister and i, from this day when we were all spec-y..!
darren was spec-y in the car too, but i didnt get a picture with him!

twas a funny night..
went to pick up darren, then mom, then went to watch HAPPY FEET..
but there was no time for dinner, so it was a chop chop chili chop thick toast meal at XWHKC before running off to the cinema.!!
(we bumped into my sister's friend, who had nice big snow flake earrings! i want!)
HAPPY FEET was funny! the leedle penguins are so cute, and the songs are just the best!
hello, QUEEN! haha!


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