saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Monday, January 15, 2007


and im back again.!

heh okay not that i went anywhere.. at least not out of the country anyway..
my blog sucks man..
no posts, no pictures.. bah.!

been a bit busy..
helping kenny as usual, and all his last minute things that he makes me rush out for him..!
plus i took on this little job at the DHL conference last week..
which made me pooped out to no end..
damn damn super easy click-mouse-push-button kinda job
but hours were just ridiculously crazy!
ended at 10 on the first day and then had to be back there at 7 the following morning!

in any case, i will see you girls on friday so thats all good right..?


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