saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, June 17, 2007

crazy happy i am

im so lucky, really..
to have such wonderful wonderful friends..
that we can meet so regularly, and keep in such close contact constantly..
try out new things together, tell each other anything..

i have to say, i have just had one of the best nights ive ever had in such a long lonnggg time...
too bad we took no pictures tonight..

on the way to dempsey road i diverted myself to go pick fiona up..
met steph at wine company and hello, we are dressed the same!!
both of us are wearing the same type of short skirt, a top, and converse sneakers!
(actually the last time we dressed the same was at ice cold beer emerald hill i think.. we both wore a tshirt, jeans and sneakers right?!!)

pizza at wine company is actually really really good..
i think it has quite a nice distinctive taste,
thats quite simple, but very delectable.. mmm!
even fiona's leftover crust was quite nice!
like breadsticks! haha

we got scolded for smoking at a non smoking area
and the funniest thing about that was,
right after we were told off, the 2 waiters behind us got scolded for being blind!!
hahaa chehh mehh!!

and then it started raining.
the drizzle just got heavier and heavier
and i went inside to try to get us a table indoors..
but people were being inconsiderate, and even though i asked for it so much earlier, they gave the table to someone else!
so annoyed i was.

i went back outside to this ridiculous rain,
to find that my two friends had squeezed under an umbrella over someone else's table!
and this someone else knew my name!
apparently we met at cross street where he was buying lottery at the indian mama shop and he tripped and fell.
of course this is all a crazy lie.

the umbrella table left and the second half of our party arrived!!
minus jasmine?!!! tsk tsk! abandoning us all..!!

i was suffering from a mojito craving, and since fiona didn't allow me earlier,
i tried to order one!
but they obviously didnt have any, cos the boy thought i wanted muscato! aiya!
and then they didnt have latte either! double aiya!
so i just ate cheese. and crackers.
(i still want to drink my mojito though..!)

in the end it was better to sit outdoors under the umbrella cos it was damn cold inside,
plus we were making so much noise!!
being the only ones sitting outside was like having our own private party..
fiona has the softest hands amongst us all.
cos she moisturises. and washes plates.

belle gave me a skinny lightstick and i was playing with it
and steph kept trying to shove it in my boobs!!!! and belles boobs!
all night long! even when we were driving to the prata house!
and then she tried to get fiona to be her accomplice!
this girl i tell you!
lucky the lightstick started leaking (which smelled of grape!)
due to belle's brute angsty undiscovered strength! haha!

then came the underwear talk.
liz is totally obsessed with my bras. for some reason?
even remembering that i wore the same bra when we were in bangkok?!?!!!
she even knew which top i wore it with!!
then fiona peeped at my purple strawberry underwear?!!
which now everyone knows all about!
leading steph to go on about some underwear rotation scheme of hers?!??

and then it was home to bed we go..
but not before more chit chat with steph under her block..

i come home
and for once
i feel i am
truly satisfied
with the way
my night went
crazy happy i am
i cant remember


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