saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, February 18, 2007

back in the day..

when i was young, ignorant, lame and i suppose i could include really dumb, i actually did an embarrassing little project that was titled "stop wasting water! start saving it NOW!"

its so stupid its funny.
in fact, its too hilarious.
to the point of cringingly embarrassing.
i mean, one of the points on my contents page was "where does your water come from???".
yes. there were 3/three/THREE question marks.
all over the project i had stuck little cut out cartoon type pictures of people saving water by "washing vegetables in a sink of water" or "turning the shower off while soaping".
oh good grief.
how i managed to come up with this i dont know.

in other showings of my stupidity, i found all four years of report cards.
i used the same damn photo of myself for all those four years!
which by the way, was taken when i was about primary 5 or something..

embarrassingly enough, i started getting red marks right from secondary ONE.
by sec 3 i had 10 red marks in the entire year.
and in sec 4 i had another 10 red marks, but this time for just half a year.

i excelled in home economics, losing just 1.4 marks out of 100.
where the .4 came from, i dont know.

my lowest grade has got to be 3.5 out of 25 for history, followed by 4 out of 20 for literature.
the following month i doubled my score to 8 out of 20.
which was still a fail.

i failed 3 out of 4 tests for both physics and geography, and the most annoying red mark was a 14.5 out of 30 for chemistry.
i guess she simply couldnt find it in herself to give me another half a mark for effort.

on a more successful note though, i managed to get full marks for e. maths..
make that TWICE!!!!!
but thats not to say that i didnt fail it either.
i once had a 33% score..
but hey.. who's counting right?

secondary school life was just the best time in the world.
i never want to forget those days..
when we were so young, carefree, and did so many silly things!
remember our 4S2 NDP 99 banner that we stuck on purple flower garlands and hung out of our windows during morning assembly?
too funny!

but now my reminiscing is over..
and i had better get rid of this wasting/saving water thing that i did before anyone else sees it!


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