saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Monday, February 26, 2007

Happy Birthday / Fat Tuesday

so i never knew mardi gras = fat tuesday = the day before ash wednesday = the day you eat crepes before the start of lent..

but in any case, i was extremely glad i found all of that out on saturday because guess what??
we had home made crepes at fiona's house for dessert that night.. courtesy of matthieu!!!!
how amazing was that..!
plus home made whipped cream and chocolate sauce, an assortment of jams, bananas and peaches..!!
(you know i would put up pictures if only jasmine would send them out to us.. **glares**)

mmm mmmm mmmmmm!!
just the perfect way to end a dinner of chicken rice, roasted chicken, stir fried long beans, bean sprouts, ngoh hiang, and honey pork ribs..

hugging everybody to wish them a happy birthday was in order after sending d. to the airport..
as usual.. everyone (except fiona) was squemish.. i will never understand why..
you hurt my feelings you know.. ):
but its okay i still love you all haha **hugzzz**

hmmm.. i think i finished most of the carton of cranberry and blackberry juice man.. bar one glass that went to belle.. heh..
plus i raided fiona's fridge after dessert for milo and chocolate..!

but what the hell.. it was all in lieu of fat tuesday..!

which i guess is everyday in my books.. haha!


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