saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, March 01, 2007

the reunion.

so i have survived three nights of being completely alone..
and when i say completely, i mean without d., or my parents, or my sister..
being alone in an empty house..
wandering around meaninglessly, feeling lost and what not..

which i guess i should start getting used to, cos its going to be happening a lot more in the future..
well except that usually at least my mom will be around..
or maybe i wont mind it if shes not around.. she complains too much..

but no sweat, cos everyone's gonna be back soon..!
dad just came back today, sister is back in the house, mom arrives tomorrow night, and d. .. well d. comes back in a matter of hours..!

a happy happy non-lonely girl i will be once again..!
(although i do hope he really did enjoy his holiday, because i am totally totally jealous!)


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