saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Monday, May 21, 2007

decisions, decisions.

its just too hard

to know what to do..
to make the right decisions..
to decide what your next step should be..

when you are confused about many areas of your life..
when lots of things are in a mess..

lets just face it, im indecisive.
always have been, always will be.

classic example..
(some people know this story, some people dont)
i once took a long time to start eating a bowl of yong tau foo soup.
i couldnt decide on which utensils to use.
see, i wanted to use a chinese soup spoon..
but i wasnt too keen on the chopsticks..
i wanted to poke my food with a fork..
but i didnt fancy using a western spoon for the soup..
and a fork and a chinese soup spoon dont really go together now, do they?
i dont remember what i decided on in the end.
maybe it was the chopsticks..
or it could have been the fork..

i didnt want to compromise on either..
but something's gotta give, right?

maybe i just need a little help..
to know that im doing the right thing..
to know that im not about to mess up my life a little further..
to give me a little encouragement, to push me in the right direction..

sometimes i wish someone would just decide everything for me..
but then i will hate that i cant make my own decisions right?
and then again, i cant seem to decide for myself, can i?

maybe i just need someone who is equipped enough and who is willing to help me make some decisions..
and now i just need to find this person..?


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