saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

of blood

i dreamt..
i dreamt of blood..

blood in the toilet.. that was mine..
all mine..
i do not know where it came from..
or why there was so much of it..

but no matter how hard i tried to wash it away..
no matter how much water i poured everywhere..
there was still so much of it..
diluted yes, but still everywhere..

i have these toys.. toy seals..
cute japanese toy seals..
cute japanese toy seals of different sizes..

they fell into the blood..
diluted of course, but still blood..

no matter how hard i tried to save them..
or rinse them down..
i couldnt get rid of the blood..
some i thought i saved..
but when i looked at them later, they were all even bloodier than i remembered..

i remember the dream being quite happy actually..
well not the happiest, but i was relatively happy in it..
and then came the blood..


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