saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, June 24, 2007

now's the time to shop!

and shop i did!
haha yes me huh.. shop.
well some la..
its tiring i swear..
you have to be in the mood to shop..
for me, i have to psyche myself up..
otherwise nothing will happen..

so what happens when you see something on sale
and you totally want to buy it
for someone else
but you dont know if you should
if its appropriate
or if youre just quietly digging your own grave
without even know it
and the next thing you know
youre six feet under

you end up looking at it
smelling it
checking out the rest of the range
to see which you should buy
would buy

and then you put it back on the shelf.

you wander around the rest of the shop
wondering if you should buy something else instead
but you keep going back to the original item
and then changing your mind
back and forth it goes
until finally you tell yourself enough!
and walk yourself out of the damn shop

even then youre not free from this torment
because you think you should just heck it,
rush back into the shop, buy the damn thing,
and finally be done with it.

but nooo..
you choose to debate with yourself over this silly matter
because youre so indecisive no one can save you not even yourself.

then you get distracted when someone decides to make their presence felt
so out of the blue you dont know what youre supposed to do.
it makes you wonder what theyre thinking..
makes you wonder what makes them so relentless..

too much..
too many things..


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