saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, March 15, 2007

the best feeling in the world.

so im sitting on one end of the couch reading my book,
and the boy is sitting on the other end studying..
and im having the best feeling in the world.

its a calmness that tells me im right where i want to be, with who i want to be with.
its a comfort that says im in the right place, with the right person.
its an ease that says i just might be able to do this forever.

and if i close my eyes right now, i could bring myself back to that very night.. sitting on one end of the couch reading my book, with my boy sitting on the other end studying..
and i would get that same feeling.. the best feeling in the world.


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