saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Saturday, March 10, 2007

today is a good day good day.

even though i see the boy just about everyday, today was the first day that we've actually been out of the house together in a long time.
make that about 2 weeks.
(oh more specifically, its since we went to fiona's house for dinner and crepes!)
well first he went away..
and then i got sick..
and then he got sick..
and now bob's your uncle.

after a very interesting wake up call, we scooted out of his house for some lunch because starvin' marvin here was well, starvin'..
but instead we found ourselves in the vicinity of the tailor..
so we decided to pick up his work jacket..
which turned out to have extra bars sewn onto them..
uhh so the tailor gave him a promotion on behalf of the company..? haha
so that was a no go..

then this boy needed to stock up on his stationery..?
so it was bras basah for a clipboard, many many many pens, a heavy duty stapler, scotch-tape etc etc etc..
(there were too many things la!)
at this point, my body decided that it needed to feel queasy and strange and prompted me to head out of the shop for some fresh air.
but it didnt really work because i found myself unable to stand properly without wanting to collapse or feeling nauseous.
i somehow managed to make it into the car where i just wanted to close my eyes and get ready to die.
but as you can see, such a fate was not meant to be mine.

we finally got to some food where starvin' marvin really was starvin'!
cos he ate up two whole plates of armenian street char kuay teow!!!
plus two cans of red bull!!!

sim lim square to look for a sony portable reader, but we ended up looking at two million other things and laughing our way through almost two whole hours at sim lim square..????
if you ask me, i find the whole thing rather bizarre.
but hey, it was good fun so im not complaining.

we started wandering out into some jalan besar area "to explore the inner city slums"
(just behind that midlink plaza place where we had dinner at basil alcove???)
starvin' marvin conquers the stomach again with some soya bean juice?/water?/milk..
and a coconut..
and a plate of duck rice..?!?!!!!!
bottomless pit?????
bearing in mind this is a sick person we're talking about.. he sure has a lot of appetite!

and so the day goes on and on there's more more more to this already seemingly very long day..
but the day really is very long for as at this point of the story it is only about 7pm..
it finally ends with me waiting at the airport for over half an hour due to a flight delay..
and then coming home to fix the computer and the printer..

but you know what?
today is a good day good day, very good day indeed.
and good days like this make daphne very happy very happy she is.


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