saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, March 15, 2007

of food, friends and a naked man.

tuesday was a visitation of friday's outing with bras basah for stationery shopping and sim lim square for laptop shopping and er.. selling..

i dont remember spending so much time laptop shopping with anyone ever in my life.
we must have gone into just about every shop on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors of sim lim square. or maybe it was just the 3rd and 4th. i cant even remember anymore.
im so glad it wasnt me who was buying the laptop, i would have gone nuts.
but the boy also wanted to sell his old laptop, so we visited a shop, and got an unfair offer for it.. so we left..
but at that same shop, we also met this tourist couple who was looking for a second hand laptop, and lo and behold, a deal was made..!!
how amazing is that?!

bras basah for stationery again..???
and i got some reading material at the popular bookfair of second hand books..
just nice, i just finished patrick suskind's perfume that d. got for me in melbourne.
very very interesting book i must say, and definitely very unpredictable.
i would never have guessed the story would develop in this manner. hmmmmm..
now i want to watch the movieeee......

met the girls (minus bali troopers steph and jasmine) for dinner at house of sundanese food in suntec, followed by gelare waffles at citilink with matthieu after.
passion fruit ice cream was just the best! and that malt thingamajig that i cant remember what is called tooo! good choice good choice fiona and belle!!

i must say, matthieu is quite the very good story teller..
and we were all very entertained by his story about meeting the pope and drinking beer and burning his sleeping bag hahaha..!!!!
this boy is just funny la..!!

oh this was also the day i was informed that i was going to be in next month's issue of a certain magazine..
at least this quote suits me quite well, as agreed by everybody, so im not complaining.. haha!
i was also made to carry home raisin bread and a very important naked man with a gerbera and thank goodness fiona gave me a plastic bag cos it would have been just weird holding all that in my hands on the train!


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