saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, May 24, 2007

steph's birthday

celebration sort of was at her house..
more like a gathering of sorts..
an excuse to meet up.. and be crazy..
2 boys and a bunch of crazy girls.!

i was so so hungry..
didnt really eat all day..
and wasnt hungry the day before so ate quite miserably..
probably just porridge in the afternoon and prata at supper..

i got to stephs house and started eating right away..
even while helping her chop vegetables!

but i think we were totally healthy today
thanks to stephs decision not to order pizza..
almost no meat!
except for some ham and crabstick in the sushi handrolls..
and sausage slices in the pasta sauce..
OH and uncle bought chicken!
totally forgot.. sorry!

S game.. word association game, but you cant say anything that starts with S..
Steph is the funniest.. her face is just classic..
but she also thinks that cheese comes from eggs.. which is just hilarious!!
Belle is the winner.. she didnt S anything at all!!
Thai Lai is funny too.. makes me stressed when he sits next to mee!!

took a miserable SIX photos..
half of which are steph and her family..
2 of which are ugly..
and one of which is stephs birthday cake.
HAHA.. lousy photographer i am!

S cake! S for Steph.. strawberries..
shop, science, story, spoon, silver, soil, song, salsa, shell, skull..
and erm many more i cant remember!

i just realised i was with steph right from the start of her birthday..
and right at the very end of it..!
supper last night behind nus.. took a long time for her to get home..
chatting in the car in front of her block for about half an hour or so..!
and she totally blamed me for being so tired the whole day..
though i insist.. i got her home by 2.18AM!!!
it is NOT my fault she took so long to get to bed!!

HEY!!! did we sing a birthday song?!!?

i am totally incoherent and rambly in my post today!!! arghh!!


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