saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, March 28, 2007


my sister had a birthday recently so she took us to Angus Steak House for dinner..
hello.... the food was goood..!!!

we ordered fresh oysters and escargot for starters,
and then for the dinner course we had..

1. fresh hot bread with butter
2. threadfin (its a fish) on a bed of mash with crispy crackers (like popadoms!) and a mushroom sauce (not much to look at, but good stuff)
3. cream of carrot soup (drinking a carrot? heh this was gooood.. thick, but not too creamy)
4. salad with a japanese sesame dressing (nice and tangy!)

and then of course.. the main course was.. STEAK!
topped with a slice of lime, and a slab of garlic herb butter, sitting in some radish wine sauce, the steak was nice, thick, and juicyyy.. just the way we like it..!

check out my sister through the different courses of the meal..
this girl lives to eatt..!!!

and here ive got the honorary picture of darren with his steak, simply because he looks so studious while tackling it.. haha funny..!

after the main course we had coffee/tea (coffee was good) and dessert..
because we had called in earlier in the afternoon and requested for this, instead of the usual dessert, we were served a whole cake..!
no close ups of the cake, sorry, we were too distracted because darren asked the restaurant to play a birthday song..! HAHAHA
it was just a piano recording of it, and had nobody singing, but my sister was embarrassed enough..
plus, a group of ang mohs at a nearby table decided to sing her birthday wishes halfway, and started cheering and clapping..!! ahahahahaa..! too funny too funny!

darren took a series of photos while this was going on..
and i put them into a short little animated gif file..
(nothing fancy, just linking all the photos together)
except that it doesnt quite work when i put it up here on blogger..
so check out the birthday song here..!
okay, there is no song cos i was too lazy plus i forgot how to do all my stuff plus i didnt know if it was supported by blogger, so its kinda boring..
but the pictures are funny though..

anyway, i must tell you guys..
that this cake was a damnnn good cake..
it was a kind of chocolate mousse cake with sliced strawberries all round the side, that was rich, smooth, and light..
slightly on the sweet side, but oh so good so gooooddd....

of course, i also have the obligatory family photo to end the post.. (:


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